Your conscious mind can know that flying is statistically the safest mode of transport. And yet, as soon as a flight is booked, the dread in the unconscious mind builds. Often manifesting in panic attacks during take-off.
A fear of flying is like any other fear: it is created by the mind. Our conscious minds know that we are far more likely to die in a car crash than a plane crash, and yet our unconscious mind is terrified of being suspended in the sky, with no control over what happens.
Overcoming this fear is all about calming the irrational unconscious mind down, and rewriting the fears that live there. By replacing habitual fearful thought patterns, you can approach air travel with a newfound confidence and calm. Our hypnosis programme uses highly effective hypnotic suggestion that creates a new mindset around flying that is healthy, positive and calm.
We have a 95.1% success rate with treating this phobia (out of 109 clients treated between February 5th 2024 to February 5th 2025).
Former clients told us they found:
Click the BLUE PLAY triangles below to view client video testimonial of a former Fear of Flying Client able to fly without fear to New Zealand.
To listen to a variety of audio programs produced by Aaron Surtees DOWNLOAD his new hypnosis app – “Subconsciously” here today!
*(Aaron’s award-winning hypnosis app reinforces and maximises the effectiveness of face to face sessions and is also highly effective for clients not able to do face to face in person appointments)
To see Aaron Surtees – London’s most recommended Hypnotherapist
To see Leading Hypnotherapist Emily Hayden (trained in the Surtees Method by Aaron Surtees)
25 Southampton Buildings,
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