Our erectile dysfunction programme works effectively at reversing the old negative thought patterns that bring on the failure of erection. We use strong hypnotic suggestion to re-wire the mindset and subconscious to confidently expect to gain and sustain erection everytime. The psychological sexual performance anxiety is eliminated allowing you to enjoy the build up to sex as well as the act itself.
Erectile dysfunction of this type is entirely a mental block, an ’emotional impotence’, rather than a physical issue. It’s all in the mind. By talking directly to these root beliefs, we can un-do the self-sabotaging belief that actually creates the physical inability to gain and/or maintain erection.
Hypnosis is perfect for treating this problem as it involves no pills, drugs or years of psychotherapy. Just simple, positive mind re-programming.
Aaron Surtees was notably featured on a BBC Cherry Healey Programme treating a man overcome his psycho sexual related erectile dysfunction. City Hypnosis has a 95.2% success rate on this issue (out of 92 men treated between February 5th 2024 to February 5th 2025).
Past clients report:
Click the BLUE PLAY triangles below to view client video testimonials and to see Aaron successfully treating a client on a BBC programme.
To listen to a variety of audio programs produced by Aaron Surtees DOWNLOAD his new hypnosis app – “Subconsciously” here today!
*(Aaron’s award-winning hypnosis app reinforces and maximises the effectiveness of face to face sessions and is also highly effective for clients not able to do face to face in person appointments)
To see Aaron Surtees – London’s most recommended Hypnotherapist
To see Leading Hypnotherapist Emily Hayden (trained in the Surtees Method by Aaron Surtees)
25 Southampton Buildings,
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