We can consciously want to stop smoking, yet still find ourselves smoking. The smoking habit is rooted in the subconscious mind. The conscious mind can want to quit, but as long as the subconscious mind still wants to smoke, a contradiction will be present, leading to the stop-start-stop-start cycle.
1 to 1 Stop Smoking or Stop Vaping Session:
The answer is to re-programme the unconscious mind through hypnotherapy. Our 1 session programme helps use your desire to stop smoking by cementing that message deep into your subconscious. We’ve been helping stop smoking for over 15 years with great success. City Hypnosis enjoys a 95.2% success rate with helping people to quit smoking (out of 121 clients treated between between February 5th 2024 to February 5th 2025).
Click below to see video testimonials from people who have had fantastic success with our award winning stop smoking programme.
See below for client text testimonials and click play on the video below to view client video testimonials.
Former clients report:
- No Withdrawal Symptoms
- No Weight Gain
- No Urge to Smoke
- Healthier
- Happier
Click the BLUE PLAY triangles below to view client video testimonials and to see Aaron successfully treating a client on a BBC programme.
To listen to a variety of audio programs produced by Aaron Surtees DOWNLOAD his new hypnosis app – “Subconsciously” here today!
*(Aaron’s award-winning hypnosis app reinforces and maximises the effectiveness of face to face sessions and is also highly effective for clients not able to do face to face in person appointments)