The top 10 reasons to use weight loss hypnotherapy

The top 10 reasons to use weight loss hypnotherapy

What is weight loss hypnotherapy?

Weight loss hypnotherapy is used far more widely than most people would realize. Hypnosis is not something that is practised by people on TV shows that immediately send people to sleep, but a treatment therapy that has a far broader reach with positive results.

Weight loss hypnotherapy is used in a range of weight related treatments such as binge eating and bulimia, but also helps treat trigger symptoms such as anxiety.

Below are ten top reasons to use weight loss hypnotherapy as an alternative option or in support of a calorie controlled diet.

Hypnosis fundamentally changes your mindset towards food

Hypnosis therapy works by placing educative suggestion into the recipients subconscious with the sole aim of changing that person’s habits. When using this for weight loss, your therapist will change the way you focus on food, portion size and your trigger points.

It makes you not want to eat extra food or treats

The mind conditioning the weight loss hypnotherapy provides allows you to transition away from snacking or treating yourself to the usual cakes, sweets or chocolates that ruin your balanced diet. Hypnotherapy works for weight loss by re training the brain to visualize your ideal future weight and body shape. This then acts as a catalyst and in built motivator

Eating the right foods becomes automatic

The power of hypnotherapy will enable you to work towards choosing the right foods upfront, not relying on fad diets, binge eating or relying on sweet or take away food meals.

It motivates you to feel good about eating less

Hypnotherapy will enable you to choose the right portion size for your meals without the after thought of being hungry again. Incorrect portion sizes are one of the largest contributors to weight gain.

Less food satisfies you more

By reducing your portion size and effectively your calorie intake, you will see a reduction in your weight. You will find that eating smaller potions not only satisfies you but makes you feel better about yourself too.

It promotes an overall change in mindset that includes a motivation for regular physical exercise

Many of my own clients firstly come for a change in mindset towards food. Once they find that they have achieved the mental outlook that a positive approach to food can achieve, a natural progression to sports or the gym soon follows and their confidence around their weight loss grows.

It replaces the old cycle of thinking, with a new confident and positive “can do” attitude

Many people that undertake hypnotherapy, do so unsure of what the results will be. There are no guarantees with hypnotherapy as much as there are no guarantees with a diet plan. Results will vary from person to person.

However, we consistently see patients using weight loss hypnotherapy very successfully, and they break their old cycle of thinking and develop a “can do” attitude without being forced into it.

It makes losing weight easy by rewiring the subconscious mind

Weight loss hypnotherapy is designed to get your subconscious mind to have already made the decision to eat healthy, take the correct portions size, the correct foodstuffs and also promotes a good feeling when you do all of that.

Rewiring the subconscious mind is a powerful tool for weight loss and many other habits treated by hypnotherapy.

Less is more becomes the new mind motto

Weight loss hypnotherapy enables you to accept that less is more. By this we mean when you first choose the correct portions size mentally but view the plate as typically far smaller than you are used to, it won’t feel different or awkward or create a mindset of thinking “that isn’t enough”.

The old finish your plate mentality is replaced with I don’t have to finish my plate; your appetite is fundamentally lowered on a long-term basis

As well as portion size, overeating is another form of self-abuse when it comes to controlling our weight. Weight loss hypnotherapy enables the patient to transition away from an “I see, I eat” mentality to a more controlled way of eating that responds to the body telling you its full.

Who is weight loss hypnotherapy for?

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy is for everyone. Results aren’t uniform and depend on the person involved. Will power, desire, approach and need will play a part in your outcome, but nonetheless, you should give hypnosis serious consideration.

Do you want to lose weight?

Thousands of people are feeling just like you do right now. Christmas has been and gone, the festivities have brought a few extra pounds and the drinking sessions seem to have continued from there.

But deep down, you know you’re not really happy with what’s going on and you want to change.

Maybe diets haven’t worked for you so far, but you’re willing to try something that will give you the positive edge you need to control the cravings you have around food.

If hypnotherapy is something that you are prepared to try, why don’t you download my free e-book on why dieting alone won’t provide the results you’ve been seeking.

Understand why Diets alone don’t maintain Weight Loss Success

Download our guide on why diets alone fail to maintain success!

Hypnotherapy supports your diet by:

  • Planting subconscious suggestion
  • Removing the need to cheat
  • Learn why dieting doesn’t change your    habits

Hypnosis has proven results in aiding weight loss.

Many people have to understand that a bad or unhealthy diet usually comes from years of habitual training of your food consumption.

Working late, lack of access to healthy, suitable alternatives, lifestyle and a lack of understanding of what’s good and what isn’t contribute.

City Hypnosis guide to why diets fail will help you understand these issues.