How to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind (Including Audios & Exercises)


5th December 2020 by Aaron Surtees, the UK’s most recommended hypnotherapist

“Know that in your deeper mind are Infinite Intelligence and Infinite Power.”

This inspiring (and somewhat mysterious) quote comes from The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy.

First published in 1963, the popular self-help book now has almost 46,000 reviews on Goodreads…

And a long list of publications on the topic of the subconscious mind has followed since then.

More recently, Dr. Joe Dispenza has risen to fame for his research on neuroscience and manifesting change.

His works “Evolve Your Brain” and “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” were both best-sellers.

This speaks to the ongoing curiosity that people have to explore the mind in greater depth…

We feel there’s something more. We know there’s something more.

But at times, the subconscious mind can seem elusive, and hard to “crack” or decipher with any real clarity.

In my decades of experience as a hypnotherapist, I’ve never lost my passion to both learn about and facilitate subconscious programming.

I’ve met with and treated thousands of clients at this point — individuals who want to overcome phobias, stop addictions or improve their mental health across the board.

What’s clear is that it’s very challenging to “out-think” the conscious mind…

As you may have noticed, the mind is a chatterbox!

It loves to throw up a stream of repetitive (and often useless) thoughts. And what ends up happening?

You get stressed, anxious, or frustrated.

This is where reprogramming of the subconscious mind is so necessary — and so effective.

  • Inside today’s blog, you’ll find out:
  • What Is the Meaning of the Subconscious Mind?
  • Subconscious Mind Exercises & Practices
  • Can You Reprogram the Subconscious Mind While You Sleep?
  • Reprogram the Subconscious Mind Audios


The easiest way to describe the meaning of the subconscious mind is as follows:

It’s the part of the mind that’s outside of current awareness.

While you go about your day, your subconscious acts as a support system, running your thoughts and emotions on autopilot.

But what’s the benefit of taking the initiative to reprogram your subconscious mind?

Thrive Global outlines this well:

“Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, happiness and riches.”

Ever wonder where things like memories, skills, and deep-set beliefs are stored?

That’s right — in the subconscious mind.

You may well have heard of Sigmund Freud, the famous Austrian psychologist who introduced the 3-level mind model.

He divided mental processing into three core categories:

Conscious – Thoughts and behaviours that you’re aware of.

Example: When you notice you feel cold and put on a sweater.


Unconscious – Events from your past that you cannot remember at all.

Example: Not being able to recall the first word you said on Christmas morning when you were five years old.


Subconscious – Automated actions/responses that you can become aware of with enough intention and focus.

Example: Riding a bike or driving a car becomes automatic — but you had to concentrate to learn these actions in the first place.


Remember, our minds and bodies love to use shortcuts to save on energy.

We have to process an incredible amount of information during our waking hours — more than we can fully comprehend.

The subconscious stands in as a guard — filtering out what it sees as irrelevant and only allowing in what it thinks you need.

Because of this, old, dysfunctional beliefs are often difficult to shift…

The subconscious mind likes to stick to what it already knows — even if those beliefs may secretly be holding you back.

Did you know that the subconscious mind is in charge of a huge 95% of your brain’s processing power?

We already know how important it is to train the body…

Daily activity is recommended in the form of walking, jogging, gym work, or other forms of exercise.

Yet how often do you hear the advice to train your subconscious?

Very rarely.

This is a shame, as you may be missing out on a lot of your brain’s potential to learn, reveal, and attain.

Let me ask you this:

If you were asked if you’d like to be richer, smarter, or healthier, you’d probably say yes… right?

That’s the conscious mind talking.

But progress will be slow if you’ve developed deep beliefs in the subconscious that are outdated…

Self-doubt, inadequacy, scarcity — all of these are common.

In order to access and upgrade what can be damaging beliefs, a good place to start is with one of these subconscious mind exercises:

Many athletes and high-flying entrepreneurs talk about how they use visualisation for imagining success ahead of time.

Essentially, visualisation reprograms the subconscious mind by increasing your creativity and motivation.

Brain imagery has shown that the simple act of imagining a successful scenario or situation builds new neural pathways…

These new pathways can prime the mind and body to behave in the way we would like.

If there’s one thing to take away here, it’s that the brain can’t actually tell the difference between a real-life event and an imagined action.

Visualisation is the best way to take advantage of this evolutionary mechanism.

Meditation and mindfulness are increasingly mainstream nowadays, even if they’re not typically labelled as “subconscious mind exercises.”

In a world of so much distraction and busyness, meditation can be a gold mine to relieve and reset…

The only solution to counteract stress is to allow yourself some time to mentally “switch off” the conscious mind, which is constantly thinking.

Having set periods of calm every day or week lets the conscious mind quieten so that you can take advantage of the subconscious.

3.Free-hand writing
Writing is an underrated method to free up precious mental space.

We usually associate writing with school assignments or to-do lists — these are very much activities for the conscious mind…

But have you ever tried flipping open a notepad and letting yourself write whatever you feel like?

A practice called “Morning Pages” is one way to approach free-hand writing…

The idea is to follow your stream of consciousness by writing three pages, first thing in the morning.

What you put on the pages is private for your eyes only. It doesn’t matter if what you write is messy or doesn’t make much sense…

Really, the priority here is to clear out the mental “junk” from the subconscious so that you can get on with your day with more clarity.


Science indicates that reprogramming the subconscious mind while sleeping is indeed possible.

As well-known developmental biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton tells us:

“Twice a day, your brain is prepared to download information and this is where you can reprogram the subconscious mind.”

Reprogram Your Mind While You Sleep with Dr. Bruce Lipton
Source: YouTube

The two chunks of time to make the most of is when your brain is operating with a “theta” vibrational frequency.

Our brains are known to move through various vibrational frequencies in a 24-hour period.

The delta frequency is active when you’re in deep sleep. As you begin to awaken from the dream state, this frequency switches to theta.

When you become fully awake, you’re in an alpha frequency state. It then moves to the beta state for heavy-duty thinking, such as work tasks.

Theta is the “sweet spot” for subconscious mind reprogramming.

A common method people use to access the theta state is to listen to subliminal tapes when falling asleep.

Although the conscious mind switches off in the phase moving from wakefulness to sleep, the subconscious mind remains active.

The theta state is associated with intuition, creativity, and healing.

Feel free to research subliminal tapes online, or you can check out the audio downloads below.


If you’re looking for specific audio tracks to reprogram your subconscious mind, our team at City Hypnosis has a range of downloads you may be interested in.

There are audios available for common issues such as procrastination, blushing, panic attacks, and sugar addiction.

The MP3 audios are 25-35 minutes long on average and can be downloaded on to your computer.

From there, you can transfer the tracks to your phone.

Browse the Collection: Reprogram Subconscious Mind Audios

Key benefits include:

  • Voiced by the UK’s most recommended hypnotherapist
  • Reprogram your subconscious mind from home
  • One-off purchase, no subscription fees

Go to the Online Shop for Hypnosis Audios

Thanks for reading today’s article on how to reprogram the subconscious mind.

You’re welcome to get in touch if you have any questions about subconscious reprogramming or how hypnosis can help with this.

Both I and my colleagues offer online hypnotherapy as well as face-to-face sessions in London, UK.

The contact details for the City Hypnosis team are below:
Call: 07732 888 397

Speak soon,

Aaron Surtees — UK’s Most Recommended Hypnotherapist

City Hypnosis

25 Southampton Buildings, London, UK, WC2A 1AL


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Thank you to Declan Davey (Natural Health Copywriter) for co-authoring today’s article.